I had a dream. It was very long and bizarre and the only clear event I could remember was I was driving and hit another car. It's been a long time since I had dreams that I could remember. Dreams are just so fun and thrilling.
Woke up and watched some TF. Had some chocolate and a muesli bar for breakfast. Watched another episode of TF while waiting for them to arrive (they were stuck in a jam). At 10.20am, they finally came.
We went to BSC and started our game. 20 minutes later, AC video called me. I had to go outdoors because the 3G line was too weak to be detected inside. So, ZS and I went out. Ac showed us four ties. We choose the last one. Then, we went back in to play our game.
AL say i improved. haha. play with the Malay guy. 3v1 but still lost 21-3.
At home, we took turns to shower. AL and DY slept on my bed while ZS and I watched the remainder of the TF I watched earlier. When the show ended, we went and woke them up from their sleep. DY went to get ready but AL went back to sleep!
I laid there and rested for about 5 minutes. That was when I started to get my headache. Then, I got up, turned off the fan and went downstairs. They came down moments later. We then went to BabaLow for lunch.
I ordered a MeeSiam. DY ordered a laksa, AL ordered a MeeSiam and Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng and ZS ordered a Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng too. All of us had Cendol. All of them said the food wasn't that nice.
ZS paid for us and we paid him back later. The total bill was RM 28. We then drove back to TPM. We were 10 minutes late for MS. It was Mr Warren's last class with us. He told us about the exam format, let us check our attendance and in-course results.
they forgot to charge AL's meesiam. we went off quickly. haha,
We were then allowed to do our own stuff till 3.30pm (to collect our exam dockets). DY, ZS and I went to room 2-7 to watch the Debate going on. AC was there since 2pm. He told us the 1st set was much better than the one we watched. This is because the 3 speakers were national speakers.
At 3.30pm, we went back upstairs. AC presented our gift (a snoopy tie from MyTieWorld) to Mr Warren. Then, we requested to take some photos with him. After we took our photos, all the other students did the same.
We then asked Mr Warren for another few pictures because the previous ones were either blur or not saved. At about 3.50pm, the admin finally came in. We rushed in front and luckily there were only a few people in front of me.
I collected my docket in 10 minutes. Then, we went home. On the way back, a lorry turned over along the flyunder (am I using the wrong word?) from MV to Bangsar. It was actually quite scary looking at the belly of the truck.
At home, I watched another episode of TF. I was so tired after that and so I decided to sleep. Woke up at 7.15pm. Saw an SMS from AM asking me when I was coming back home because she wanted to follow me back. I then replied her I was already home long ago.
Then, I went downstairs to have dinner (leftover packed lunch that mum bought this afternoon). For the rest of the night, my headache was still there. M (also sick) and I stayed downstairs and watched TV.
Mum, J and E went to BV. I smsed them to buy me something to drink. They came back with a Hot Chocolate from Starbucks. I shared some of it with M. After drinking it, my headache miraculously disappeared or the rest of the night.
I planned to sleep early today but since my headache was gone, I decided to stay up and update my blog. I used the laptop and only slept at around 1am...
Thank you and the others very much for the tie and a most delightful day. Absolutely hilarious. All the best to all of you :)