Monday, June 9, 2008

Back to College Life...

Before I went to college, AM called. She asked me to drop by her house to take AY's laptop adapter. So, I stopped by and SC passed it to me. Before going to APIIT, I went to ENT4 to give AY her adapter.
I parked at a nice and shady spot. Scratched the ticket and took out the shades as usual. Had PENG class followed by NS class. Most of the students were rushing to finish their NS assignment. No worries for me as I handed it in last week. Hehe!
In PENG class, AC asked me where I went to eat yesterday. I assumed he meant where I went for lunch so I answered "Delicious, why?". He said "Oh, nothing." What a mystery. I'm very curious about it but he won't tell me. Maybe he saw me when I had dinner or something.
At the end of PENG, ML commented on AC's singing. I will not mention what he said here (to AC, wanna exchange the information?). I was fishing in NS class. After class, I waited for JT to come because he said he needed my help. After about an hour he still wasn't in APIIT, he called and said he didn't need my help anymore.
So, I walked to my car. When I went into my car, surprisingly it wasn't hot at all. Sometimes, even with the shades, the air in the car will still be very hot. I hate it when that happens. But since I parked under a tree today, it was quite cooling inside. I hope to park at the same spot tomorrow.
When I reached home, mum and dad was still there. I ate lunch and went upstairs. At 4 something, I was already fishing while surfing the net. I was too tired to do anything. I went to my room and slept till it was 7 pm!
After dinner, I continued with my MS assignment. I've just completed 50% of it. I'll probably use tomorrow's spare time (before my 10.45 class) to complete it. Woohoo! Can't wait to finish it! Even so, I still have 3 more assignments. No worries la, they are not due so soon...

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