Monday, March 30, 2009

The War Begins!

Dad woke me up at 6.45am and I quickly got dressed and drank some water before going into SS's car. The 3 of us then went to Hokkien Hill for "Cheng Meng". Did some offerings in the main hall for about 15 minutes before going to my Great Great Grandparent's grave.

There were about 20 people there and about 80% of them I have not even met or can't recognize. Did some offerings and stuff for about 30 minutes before going back down to the main hall. Then, we drove to my Great Grandparent's grave.

We then did the standard stuff but we stayed here a little longer. This was because we ate some food there after we did the offerings. I didn't want to eat any of the food but just took a piece as dad said it was tradition to eat there.

After we were done, all of us went to our own cars and went our own ways. Dad, SS and I then went to my Grandfather's grave. We had some difficulty looking for it because we had to climb down the hill to identify the grave.

After 10 minutes, SS spotted the grave. We then brought the things down and started unpacking some stuff. It took a while for us to do the preparations and offerings as there were only 3 of us. At about 9.30am, we were done and finally left the cemetery.

Reached home at about 10am and laid on the sofa to relax for awhile. Then, I got myself a cup of water before going to shower. Came out and used the laptop till about 12pm. Mum suggested we go for a movie at GSC Signature @ Gardens.

Unfortunately, GM was going out and we had to stay back and open the door for E. So, we decided to call it off. After using the laptop for a while, I went to take a short nap. When I woke up, I ordered pizza for lunch and continued using the laptop.

They didn't have enough small boxes so they served the regular pizzas in large boxes.

Pizza arrived at 2.20pm. Mum and I ate our portion while watching TV. She then went to pick J from school. After watching TV, I came up to use the laptop till 4.30pm. Then, I took another short nap and woke up at 5.15pm to go and pick M.

Went to SMKBB and picked up M and her friends. Dropped her 2 friends near Jalan Limau Manis and drove on home. Used the laptop again till about 7pm before going down for ICE CREAM!

Watched "The Biggest Loser" till about 7.50pm and went to the kitchen and had dinner. Next, we watched "The Oprah Show" till 9pm and I came up to use the laptop again as usual. I'm supposed to do some of my assignments today but I chose not to.

In short, I lost today's war. Anyway, there are still more days of war to come and tomorrow will definitely be the BEGINNING of my Assignment War. Anyway, going to sleep soon. Bye...

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