Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ball Starts To Roll, Site Starts To Rock!

Woke up at 8am and went down to have some water. Came up and used the laptop till 9.20am. Showered and got dressed by 9.50am. Then, drove to 112 and picked AM up. We then drove to TPM.

Parked the car at my usual spot and walked to APIIT with AM and AL. AM then went to her office while we walked to class. The lecturer wasn't there yet so we had to wait. Class started at about 10.40am.

LY came in and told us that they were clamping cars in Car Park F. Apparently they wanted to clamp AL's car but there wasn't enough clamps. So, AL and I went to repark our cars before going into class again.

Class went on till 12.20pm. We then went to PitStop and some of them bought food while I just watched them. Then, we went to the lab for our IA lab session. As usual, Omer let us do our own work.

I then went to AC and he told me how to work our website. I'm learning and getting it. It's really cool to learn it! Anyway, we went to Puchong for lunch when class was over. We drove to Pu Yuan as AL wanted to eat there.

It took quite a while for me to decide what to eat. I finally ordered Hot Sugar Cane and Belacan Fried Rice. The food came quite fast but mine was the last to come. The Belacan fried rice was definitely better than the fried rice that poor ZS ordered.

Hot Sugar Cane - RM 1.50

Belacan Fried Rice - RM 5.50

We finished our lunch and paid up. I paid RM 5.50 for the rice and RM 1.50 for the drink. We then went back to TPM and started FoodUnzipped's first food entry. We then went to class at 4pm.

The Bill - RM 66

Mr Lili taught us about Storyboards and ended the class at 4.50pm. We then went to ask him a few questions. Later, we continued with our first entry before going home. AC dropped me at my car and I drove home.

Reached home at about 5.30pm and turned on the laptop to work on the second and third entry. It was 8pm already so I stopped and went for dinner. Then, I came back up to work on it. At about 8.30pm, I went to shower.

Came out and started doing some touch ups and even installed some FTP software. Then at 10.30pm, I brought the laptop down to work on the site while watching TV and eating burger. I then came back up at 11.40pm.

I realized I haven't blogged so decided to stop working on FU and concentrate on today's post. It then wrote this while chatting with AC till now which is already 1.12am. Going to bed as soon as the pictures gets uploaded. Night...

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