Thursday, February 7, 2013


Earlier this week, God reminded me of something really simple yet important, which is gratefulness. According the Oxford dictionary, gratefulness is feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received.

On Monday night, I was walking around the city with a brother. We met a homeless man sitting by himself and went to talk to him. As we talked to him over dinner, he shared many bits and pieces of his daily life.

This brother was diagnosed with epilepsy at an early age. This means that he has a neurological disease which may cause him to have seizures unless he takes his medication twice a day. His doctor doesn’t allow him to take up any strenuous works and he recently lost his job. Although the government will be giving him a unit to stay in soon, there is currently a long period of waiting.

Despite having no shelter at night and all his other hardship, I was surprised to find that he still could be so carefree. Talking about his new discounted bag, a recent book he read, and free showers in Southbank were enough to comfort him and keep him looking forward to the tough days ahead. The most shocking part was when he told us that he still prays to God every night before he sleeps. I really admire his faith. Even is such a situation, this brother still acknowledges God and takes the challenges God set for him without complaining.

After hearing what the homeless brother is going through, I suddenly realized how ungrateful I was. Although I live a very comfortable life with minimal need to worry about food, money, and shelter, I seldom thank God for all these things. Not only that, somehow in the luxury of all these, I still found the time to complaint to God about these things that he has blessed me with.

My God, created this Earth and placed me in a great family, brought me to a great country, and provided me with MORE than I need, and who gave me EVERLASTING hope, peace, joy, love and life.

So from now on, I'm gonna try to be grateful about everything I have and stop complaining over small issues. It was a great wake up call for me and I really thank God for this great long overdue lesson.
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